We rode the Pistol Hill section of the Arizona Trail a couple weeks ago and did a blog post here. There are more sections in the area and Bellota did not disappoint. The ride was a 22 mile out and back with 2300′ of climbing.
The Bellota section of the AZT is somewhat inconvenient to get to because you either begin up off Catalina Highway and have a really tough start, or up on Reddingtion Pass which is a longish drive. We decided to park partway up Reddington Pass to cut down on the drive.
From the parking area for Chivas Falls we rode up Reddington Road to where the Arizona Trail crosses. We turned left here and immediately the singletrack is awesome. It’s beautiful area and the riding is constantly interesting with water bars to negotiate, fun little rock sections, and switchbacks. We were running out of daylight and turned around at the junction with La Milagrosa. It definitely isn’t a beginner trail, and even intermediate riders will be challenged in places.
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