Our inflatable paddle boards are getting a lot of use this winter. It’s been warm here in Del Rio, Texas which makes water sports ideal. We spent two days paddling this past week.
Rough Canyon
Amistad National Recreation Area is huge. It is a shared dam with Mexico including 1.81 miles of the damn in the US and 4.25 in Mexico. The resulting lake has 851 mile of shoreline!!!! Our first day of paddling it, we put in at Rough Canyon and paddled about 1.5 hours one way, and then 2 hour back. It’s a rocky rugged shoreline with a limestone bottom which makes the lake pretty clear. It was odd to see goats running around the shoreline bleating at us.
Box Canyon
Our paddle today was 7.5 miles but felt much longer. The water was pretty rough when we put in at Box Canyon. Today we paddled out to Cow Canyon and up that a ways. Fishing is THE main attraction at the lake and we saw at least 50 boats zoom by. Limestone cliffs surround the lake and once again, goats. It was pretty quite in Cow Canyon but we new what we were in for on the return trip. Sure enough, the winds picked up and we were using every bit of core strength to make it back to the launch.
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