Today we rode to two high alpine lakes outside Poncha Springs. First we came to North Fork Reservoir at around 11,000 feet and then Billings Lake sits at 11,791 feet!!!!
We rode 7 miles up a rocky jeep road with 2800′ of climbing…at elevation. The road is currently closed to vehicles until who knows when. An avalanche covers part of the road and it’s thick with trees. We were able to hike around it and continue on, but not possible for any auto.
We were grinding up the climb barely moving when we heard a bleating and then a baby goat come bounding through the bushes to our right. He chased us yelling the whole time. When we stopped, it stopped and we snapped a quick pic and kept going. Just up the road from that was a moose! It wasn’t interested and immediately darted into the trees so we didn’t get a picture. Wow though, what a ride!
The lakes were both deserted since the only way to reach them is by foot or bike. Crossing the snow in the road to get to Billings Lake I didn’t see any other tracks so we may have been the first up there. Amazing place. Amazing.
very pretty pictures